Thursday, July 9, 2009

20th Reunion-One Week Out

My 20 year reunion is this coming weekend, July 17-18. I am finally looking forward to it. It has basically been a one woman reunion committee (with yours truly being the committee) and yesterday I think I have gotten all my ducks in a row. Only a few things still need to be finished but I believe I have all my bases covered. I wanted to have the majority of things done because I know something always comes up that isn't planned. Last night I finished the name tags. Woah! How we have changed!

Jon and my Senior Portraits...all I can say for mine is "HOLY HAIR"!!! My hair is naturally curly and I straighten it now. I don't think I could replicate this hairstyle if I tried.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

My hair is naturally curly and it drives me nuts. Especially in the humid south. BUT you were ROCKIN that hair! ROCKIN IT! You're both gorgeous, then and now!!

Congratulations on finishing up... I'm sure it will be a blast.